Plugin Embed Any Script For Joomla

his plugin allows to embed JS and VB (as well as any other) scripts to your site. It supports embedding both local and remote(CDN) scripts.

With it, you’ll be able to embed a list of scripts to every page of the site. As well, the plugin supports in-article tags – {embedscript}path{/embedscript} to embed scripts only to specific pages. Those tags can be not only in articles, but as well in modules etc – anywhere in html.
Besides frontpage you can embed another list of scripts to adminpanel (but be careful! do no embed anything to joomla administrator interfece unless you are completely sure about what are you doing).
The plugin also contains a list of CDN URLs of popular javascript frameworks in its administrator interface.

If you are going to embed jQuery, you’d better use my jQuery++ Integrator, a special extension that correctly handles possible mootools-jQuery conflict, can add jQuery UI & jQuery Tools as well, supports CDNs and has many other features.

Remember not to put a space beetween path and closing tag: {embedscript} path{/embedscript}. This requirement will be removed in the next version.


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